Morgan is 6 months old!

January 30, 2017

Morgan loves to…
-smile and laugh, especially at her big brother
-jump like crazy in her doorway jumper
-be carried around in the Ergo


Growth and Development
-16lb 14oz; 26.5″
-Morgan continues to roll onto her tummy, and finally has been rolling more easily from tummy to back these last few days.
-She still scoots all over the place while on her back, and grabs anything within reach.
-Her eyelashes are soooo long and her hair is finally filling out! We felt like she was born with a lot of hair, but her head grew and her hair didn’t. Now her hair seems to be catching up!

Morgan loves to scoot underneath her swing to check things out!

Shortly after returning home from our Christmas trip, Morgan tried to rollover in her Rock n Play Sleeper, which is where she has slept literally every single night since coming home from the hospital. It was a sad day, realizing we had to make a sudden transition to her crib since it was no longer safe for her to sleep in the Rock n Play. Connor helped me setup the co-sleeper next to my bed, which is basically a playpen mattress up against the side of the bed and at the same height as our mattress. The first night and following day of naps were rough because Morgan’s arms were startling her each time I would lay her down. I had just stopped swaddling her at the beginning of January, so I decided to try swaddling her again. It definitely helped, and now I can lay her down without any problems.

Morgan usually wakes up three times each night, which seems to be another digression compared to last month’s sleeping habits, but she nurses and goes back to sleep easily. During the day she naps 4-5 times, depending on how early she woke up that day. She tends to stay awake for about an hour and a half and then nap for 45 minutes. Repeat all day long :). I’m ready for her naps to consolidate, but I know these things can’t be rushed! Just these last few days of January she has had a couple days of fewer and longer naps. We’ll see if it sticks!

Big Brother
Connor enjoyed our big snowstorm in early January! After returning from Texas and having one day of school, we were hit with at least 8″ of snow over the weekend. Schools and work were all closed on Monday and delayed on Tuesday, and Connor was off Wednesday as well, even though Charlie had to go to work. Connor loved digging in the snow and would have braved the cold for a lot more outdoor playtime if we had let him. The temperature stayed in the 20s and 30s for the first two days after the snow, then suddenly warmed up to the 50s.


After three days in the 20s and 30s, it finally warmed up enough to venture all the way to the playground.

The other big excitement this month was a family outing to see Paw Patrol Live at Chrysler Hall in downtown Norfolk. I must say, it was worth every penny to see Connor’s face light up as he saw the characters (and their vehicles!) come out on stage! Morgan sat on my lap watching intently almost the whole time, and finally dozed off towards the end.

This month we have been impressed by Connor’s ability to color neatly inside the lines, and his attention span for working on coloring projects!

A few more pictures from this month:

We returned home after our trip to Texas and discovered that Santa had stopped in Virginia, too!